Lover of mysteries and puzzles, currently going through Hallmark's Movies & Mysteries catalogue as well as her cozy mysteries TBR pile.
She's rejoicing in the diverse, #OwnVoices books out in the world today compared to when she started actively blogging ten years ago.
Dogs are heaven sent.
November is just around the corner. And that means it's almost time for NaNoWriMo! Yay!... Or nay. I've been meaning to join NaNoWriMo for years but I've always chickened out on the last minute because I knew of the time and commitment I would have to dedicate to completing a 50-000 (at least!)-word story. So no NaNoWriMo story for me. Yet.
Then, here I found this: BookBlogWrimo.
Hosted by Brittany of Book Bumblings, BookBlogWriMo is a "a lax version of NaNoWriMo for book bloggers. [There are] prompts for each day, discussing different topics around books, blogging, and books + blogging."
Thanks so much for signing up!