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Book Beginnings is hosted by Rose City Reader. Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires.

The Friday 56 is hosted by Freda's Voice. Grab a book, any book, and turn to page 56. Find a sentence that grabs you and post it either on your blog or on Instagram tagged with #Friday56.
This week I'm sharing quotes from my weekend read, Romanov by Nadine Brandes. I got this book thru NetGalley so watch out for my review before the publication date on May 17, 2019.
Page 1, Chapter 1

I watched my diaries burn.

Pages curled in on themselves, like spider legs accepting death. My past -my stories- turned to ash and tendrils of smoke. But I would not weep for them. The Bolsheviks could take far more precious things from me. I would not give them my tears.
Page 56, Chapter 5

Everyone woke at sunrise - not because we were rested and certainly not from the sun shining for it couldn't penetrate the whitewash. We woke because we were together again. It was better than any birthday or Easter morning. We also knew that rhythm was a fierce weapon against despair.
Anastasia's story has fascinated people for over a century. Did she die with her family? Or did she somehow escape the tragic fate of the imperial family?

 My interest stems from a childhood movie favorite, Anastasia (1997; and, yes, it's not a Disney movie). I sing the songs (to this day) and occasionally ask myself what the world will be today if more monarchies survived the 'socialist/communist/democratic' purge. 

Okay. To be honest, I just imagined what it will be like when it turned out I was a long lost princess of an almost extinct royal line. That last, serious query above came later when we were studying world history.

Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end the following Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop's purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.
This week's prompt is:
Do you have celebrations for your blog's anniversary such as a giveaway?
Oh gosh! I don't even recall on what day this blog was launched. I was just feeling so down that time; I wanted to be part of the book blogger/reader online community and fangirl with everyone else that I made this blog. No plan whatsoever other than screaming about my passion for reading and love of books.

All I remember is Whatever You Can Still Betray had its first 'formal' post on June 2010. And my bookish self became aware of a wider world out there. You're all responsible for my neverending TBR list!

As to this week's question... I don't have celebrations. I do occasional giveaways but never had something specific for a blogoversary. Another year passes and all I can think about is oh, it's been xx years already. This blog is still alive. 
Ayanami Faerudo


  1. I adore the cover for Romanov! I really hope the physical copies come with red and gold foiling. That'd be stunning.
    My Friday Memes for this week.

  2. This book is new to me. It sounds interesting. I hope you are enjoying it. This week I am spotlighting Say You're Sorry by Karen Rose - a thriller from my review stack. Happy reading!

  3. I'd love to read this. Sounds fascinating. And the classic look for the cover is gorgeous!

    My Friday 56 from My Hungry Friend

  4. I used to imagine that too--about being a long lost princess. :-) I really want to Romanov and hope you are loving it.

    I had to look it up because I couldn't remember . . . I only had two giveaways for my blog anniversary. I have had other giveaways on my blog as well, not associated with that. I often let my anniversary slip by without mention, but occasionally I do. I tend not to make a big deal of it.

    I hope you have a great weekend!

  5. Anastasia was an awesome movie! :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

  6. I bet this is a good read!! Happy weekend!

  7. My daughter was fascinated with Anastasia too. Sorry. I have read a book that they found her bones with the family bones. Sigh. My Friday quotes and review


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