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Joining reading challenges is a great way to help you (and me!) to conquer that TBR mountain. Fellow readers band together to share their TBR lists, have chats on the progress, encourage each other and add to each other's TBR list... the last of which starts the cycle all over again.
Let us take for example this challenge. I have seen people posting about it since the last two months of last year. I've been meaning to join and write an introductory post but, you know, life happened. Then, I participated in the #RockMyTBR chat and got me so pumped up, I added more books to the TBR pile. I definitely need this challenge now.

OPEN TO ALL READERS! Whether you’re a reader, a blogger, a booktuber, a bookstagramer let’s all have fun and rock out those TBRs together! We all love books and let’s encourage one another.

To read a minimum of 1 book per month you already own (published book). This challenge is totally what YOU make of it! You can do 5 books a month, 10, WHATEVER! Anything you accomplish is fantastic. This challenge is really what you make of it.

Make a list! If you can, create a list of books you own and want to read then post it, tweet it, video it and try to find other who want to read the same book. Buddy reading is so much fun! It’s great having other people to fangirl/fanboy with while you’re currently reading. This is optional but I think it’d be fun!

Use the hastag #RockMyTBR for current discussion.
There will be Twitter Chats periodically hosted. (More info to come)
Knowing myself, there will most likely be giveaways throughout the year as well!

At the end of the month, update us on how you’re doing with the challenge. This can be done on Twitter, on your blog, a Booktube video, YOU NAME IT!
Here's a great way to diversify the books you read.
Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography

Ayanami Faerudo

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