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Each week, Kathy, of I Am A Reader Not A Writer, will pick 5 questions off her author interview list to answer.

This Week's Questions:
I can't live without...
Do you make your bed each morning?
City or Country?
Most embarrassing moment?
What do you think of book trailers?
I can't live without...
Food...? And the Internet (these days).

Do you make your bed each morning?
Surprisingly, yes. It bothers me when I don't make my bed particularly when I always pass it when I want to go to the balcony.

City or Country?
I was raised in the country but we always visited the city during summer when I was a child until high school. When I went to college, I went to the city and I have been here for most of my time ever since for academic reasons. However, if I'm to choose where I live, I would pick somewhere in-between if you know what I mean.

Most embarrassing moment?
Was it the time when I fell down a canal when I was reading while walking? Or was it when I was in my first year of college when I was feeling so smart about myself but came up short of answering the professor's question that she made me read the entire reading material in front of the whole class? I bowed after and got a rousing round of applause.

What do you think of book trailers?
Neither here nor there. At first, I was like "Book trailers? Books get trailers now?" But then, some of them were done beautifully, that it really made me want to check the book out while some of them were... let's just say they made the trailer just for the sake of making it.




  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    I have too many embarrassing moments as well but didn't know which one to pick lol. I guess I couldn't live without food either.

  2. blogger_logo_round_35

    Does reading and walking at the same time put you in the same category as those who text and walk?

    My KNB

  3. blogger_logo_round_35

    Ayanami I totally agree somewhere in between is perfect. I live in Sydney, Australia and I live about an hour from the city, I find it perfect and even sometimes it can still feel a bit too crowded.

    I noticed your participating in quite a few of the same book tours as I am...looking forward to seeing you there.

    My KMB post.

  4. blogger_logo_round_35

    Ayanami pls consider listing your blog at YA Blogosphere it's a directory listing for all YA-related blogs. If your interested pls email me on yablogosphere@gmail.com.


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