Five Favored Pivotal Points
by Sky Purington
Thanks so much for featuring me today. For those unfamiliar, Highland Defiance is the first in a new series called The MacLomain Series- Early Years. This new run of books focuses on all those untold love stories from the original MacLomain Series. I knew without doubt that Mildred and Adlin’s tale needed to be shared before all else. Though old and wise in the original series it’s well known that they share a great love. In that this is one of the last stops on my Bewitching Book Tour I thought to go out with a bang. Today I’ll be sharing what I consider five favored pivotal moments early in the story.
1. Mildred ignored the compelling scent of his skin and the direct look in his eyes. “I’m not here. Neither are you.”
He moved closer. She stepped back.
“Rest assured, I am here, as are you. Right here, right now. In Scotland.”
2. Her eyes rounded as she tried to get a grip on reality. “I never told you my name. How did you know my name?”
Though his eyes continued to study hers, his deep voice cut through her misconstrued thoughts. “Because I am him.”
“Him who?” she whispered.
He gently took her hand. “So sorry that I didnae introduce myself before. I am Adlin, Chieftain of the MacLomain Clan. The lad from your dream. The one who will take you to your betrothed.”
3. She leaned against the stall wall and licked her lips, still tasted him. Mildred closed her eyes and hung her head. Was he still here somewhere or would it be several years before they saw one another again? What sort of bitter time warp had she been thrust into? Because it was terribly cruel.
Now her heart was invested.
Because of a mere kiss.
4. He should let her go. Whatever this was between them couldn’t be. He should let her go. Even as he turned away, Adlin slowed. Unfamiliar pressure squeezed his chest. How much time might pass before he saw her again? Years? Decades?
Not this time.
5. Mildred’s eyes barely met his. “There’s only ever one reason a Broun comes back in time, isn’t there?” Her eyes crawled to his, sad almost. “For their one true love.”
“Aye.” Adlin took her hands. “And does that frighten you, lass?”
“More than you could imagine,” she whispered. “Do you know why?”
He shook his head though he had a good idea.
Her eyes held his for several moments before she said, “Because you’re supposed to lead me to him yet here you sit with me on a secluded beach at the tip of the Highlands.” She paused for several, excruciatingly long seconds, and then said, “Which leads me to believe that you will only be leading me to one man… you.”
Highland Defiance
The MacLomain Series- Early Years
Sky Purington
Book Description:
Mildred, a young woman living in New England during the onset of World War II, worries about her family. What is to come? How will life change? Little does she anticipate change is to come not from war, but from an unexpected trip back in time to medieval Scotland.
Adlin, Chieftain of the MacLomain clan, will never forget the moment he lays eyes on her. Though he rules one of the most powerful clans in Scotland, Mildred redefines the man he thought he was. Her quick wit and perseverance humble his natural arrogance. Her sensuality cripples his defenses.
The maddened determination of a rival chieftain threatens their very existence. Caught together in time, they must find a way to evade the mighty MacLeods and keep peace in the Highlands. But lust, rage, and potential war simmer on the edge of their every move.
Will Mildred and Adlin find true love despite the odds? Find out in HIGHLAND DEFIANCE.
Stories from the original, MacLomain Series, include The King's Druidess (Prelude), Fate's Monolith (Book I), Destiny's Denial (Book II) and Sylvan Mist (Book III). Also available in The MacLomain Series Boxed Set (Books 1-4)

About the Author
Sky is the best-selling author of seven novels and several novellas. A New Englander born and bred, Sky was raised hearing stories of folklore, myth and legend. When combined with a love for nature, romance and time-travel, elements from the stories of her youth found release in her books. Readers have described her work as "Refreshing" and "Unforgettable."
Purington loves to hear from readers and can be contacted at Interested in keeping up with Sky's latest news and releases?
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