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The Talking Teacup and A Girl, Books and Other Things started this challenge back in 2011. And now they're hosting it again for a second year.
The Mission is to watch as many movies as you can this year.
· Record each movie you watch. You don’t have to review any or all of them but at the end of each month make a post with the list of movies you have seen that month and a final tally of 2012 to help keep track of it all.
· There are four levels in which you can attempt to achieve:
25 Movies: Movie Newbie
50 Movies: Movie Fanatic
75 Movies: Movie Critic
100+ Movies: Movie Master
· Mini Series count but only as ONE movie, as do Television Series (the entire series and not just single episodes)
· The movies don’t need to be new, old favorites also count.
· We will post a monthly update at both The Talking Teacup and A Girl, Books & Other Things where you can also share your progress in the comments if you are not a blogger, and we will show last months leaders and what not.
The movies/series I watched this February are:


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on watching all of those this past month I'm not taking part but I like to see what other people have watched, great blog new follower and good luck



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