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"In My Mailbox" is a meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren
I'm currently waiting for the clue to come up on Pottermore... refreshing the page every minute. Yep! I can't wait until October. I want MORE POTTER!

Happy Birthday to J.K. Rowling, one of my favorite authors... Thanks for giving us Harry Potter and Hogwarts...
and also to Harry Potter, the Boy that inspired a lot of us to read and read and read and keeping magic alive in the world.


The Siren's Cry by Jennifer Anne Kogler
Amber Frost by Suzi Davis
Wildefire by Karsten Knight
Chime by Franny Billingsley
The Magnolia League by Katie Crouch
The Otherworldlies has a sequel! I was wondering for a long time whether there would be... and now! I have it. Yay.
IMM enables bloggers to feature books they receive that week... bought, borrowed at the library or received to review. That way they could mention titles that might not otherwise get some face-time on their blogs.



  1. 378621_10150442394760569_682290568_10673124_1510206598_n
  2. head2

    great IMM I also got Wildefire as a gift forgot to add it to my IMM post lol silly me. i have read Magnolia Leagure it was a good book not the best but a good quick read

    Love Fantasy's Mailbox

  3. th_RSDbutton

    Awesome haul! I got wildefire this week also I love the cover on Amber Frost and really want to read Magnolia League.

    Check out my IMM here: http://sapphireddragon.blogspot.com/2011/07/in-my-mailbox-12.html

    Happy reading :)

  4. blogger_logo_round_35

    interesting books you got there! my IMM is here: http://coffeebooksandme.blogspot.com/2011/07/in-my-mailbox-2.html
    glad if you could drop by:)

  5. blogger_logo_round_35

    Magnolia League looks really interesting!

  6. .com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjDFNgPjeJ51jX0uvAU5umeIPCqyWrMjMH4cDnRja3o4phGyIM24qRcYCfkWvMPjvyGC_BonLWDbHxL2pvyWKjlCCxL0hAbWrGtWdvM1WO1BfIWRL1HwiuyTkW6cP3ML9k/s45-c/

    I love the cover for The Magnolia League! It's pretty.

    Happy reading!
    Books of Amber

  7. ten070

    Great set! I really want to read Wildefire. I've heard good things. Chime was interesting.
    My IMM

  8. scooby-doo-daphne

    Great IMM!
    I really want to read Chime & The Magnolia League!
    Enjoy your books! : )
    My IMM

  9. me

    I've heard some great things about Chime. Looks like I need to check out The Magnolia League! Happy reading :D

  10. blank

    Looks like a nice stack of books. Wildfire is on my "too read".

  11. blogger_logo_round_35

    Cute blog! Great mailbox! I loved the Magnolia League and I want to read Wildfire so bad! New follower :) Come check out my mailbox:

    Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

  12. blank

    An awesome week! Great stuff... I can't wait to read Chime :)
    Check out what's In My Mailbox

    Mia @ Gripped into Books

  13. 179265_1857410599996_1382805272_32141494_3292675_n

    new follower :)
    You received some great books this week! Can't wait to check them out!
    Check out my in my mailbox!

  14. small

    Nice mailbox. I really enjoyed Widefire. I hope that you like it too.
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

  15. 30126956_10214627088743367_9083100930408185856_n

    Chime sounds really great. :D Thanks for sharing!

  16. DSC_0126copy-avatar

    Wildefire was a good one. I really need to make time to read Chime---I've heard so many great things about it!

  17. blank
    Zakiya LadyWingsAugust 01, 2011 4:52 AM

    Looks like you'll enjoy all of those! I saw Wildefire in the store this weekend, but couldn't get it since I have no funds :/. But anyway, Enjoy! My IMM is here!

    Happy Reading!
    ~Zakiya LadyWings :D

  18. karisprofilepic

    I really liked The Magnolia League. Nice haul this week. Happy reading!



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