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Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme (mostly) about books and reading,

The BTT question of the week is:
Do you read book reviews? Whose do you trust? Do they affect your reading habits? Your buying habits?
Yes, I do read book reviews but only after I read the book. I don't want anyone's opinion to influence my decision to read the book since I could be easily influenced sometimes. 

For example, if I read a particularly bad review of a book that initially drew my attention, I would postpone reading said book. And then I would forget all about the aforementioned review, read the book, and then berate myself about why I did not read the book in the first place.
I mostly use Goodreads to search for books and the blurbs are a huge part of my decision to put that book on my wishlist.  I also take note of the star rating.



  1. blank

    Good answer.

    here's mine:


  2. Tris1

    I totally agree. If I'm definitely going to read a book I don't read reviews until after I have.

  3. blank

    I love reading reviews after I've finished a book too. It's fun to see what other people thought and then have a discussion about a particular book.

  4. Summer%252B2010%252B005

    OK, so I'm not the only one that does this! I will often read reviews AFTER reading a book, especially if there was something in the book I didn't quite understand...I'll read customer reviews hoping to get a little clarity. It's also fun to see if the reviewers felt the way I did about the book. Cool!

    Hope you'll check out my BTT post and say hello!

    Cindy at Cindy's Book Club


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