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Friday Firsts is a weekly meme started by Allison at Well-Read Reviews.
The first line can make or break a reader's interest.  Just how well did the author pull you in to the story with their first sentence?  To participate in this weekly book meme is extremely easy.
  • Grab the book you are currently reading and open to the first page.
  • Write down the first sentence in the first paragraph.
  • Create a blog post with this information.  (Make sure to include the title & author of the book you are using.  Even an ISBN helps!)
  • Did this first sentence help draw you into the story?  Why or why not?

by Ally Carter

No one knew for certain when the trouble started at the Colgan school.
I have been putting off reading Heist Society ever since I got it.  That is why you can see that I have it as my "Currently Reading" (see right sidebar; topmost) for almost a week now.  Normally, I finish a book in four (4) hours.  But these are lazy days for me and all I want is to watch Chinese wuxia TV series like The Condor Trilogy.

Yet, as I read the first sentence (and subsequently the first chapter - remember my first Friday Firsts post) I was finally drawn into the story (buwa- LOL, it's a Waray term) and got reading.  


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