Debut author Alex Evansley delivers a sweet summer romance in this inventive novel about a young heartthrob and teen author falling in love.

Teddy pushes his duffel bag into the empty window seat next to him and digs through it, looking for his copy of Parachutes. Since he has a five-hour flight ahead of him, maybe perusing through it to compare and pick apart his performance will dou- ble as enough masochistic entertainment to get him to cruising altitude (or he can at least use it as a shield if that flight atten- dant comes back). He finds it toward the bottom of his bag, shoved under his toiletry kit.
Only the title and the author’s name, M. B. Caldwell, are on the cover, with a faint silhouette of a deployed parachute in the background. Nothing spectacular. But apparently whoever M. B. Caldwell is knew what they were doing when they wrote the series, because “spectacular” is the word everyone keeps using to describe the type of opportunity this is for Teddy’s acting career.
This could be your Hunger Games, Ted.
Teddy turns the book over and tries not to pout at all the praise written on the back.
If he were in the mood to be honest with himself, he’d admit the real reason why he didn’t feel good about his audition today. Regardless of how overprepared or unprepared he could have been, Teddy stills finds the whole prospect of auditioning for “the next major YA film franchise” spectacularly terrifying, and it messed with his head this morning. It’s intimidating as hell to take on that kind of role and all the expectations attached to it. . . .
So much so, that Teddy can’t even psych himself up to crack the book open now. He just sits there with his copy of one of the most hyped books being adapted to film in 2019, running his fingers over the slightly raised letters spelling out “M. B. Caldwell” across the top, and telling himself that God, he really blew it today.
Eventually Teddy’s pulled out of his downward self-deprecation spiral when movement to his left snags his attention. There’s a pair of jean shorts in his peripheral vision, and when he turns his head he’s confronted with a spectacular view of whoever’s ass is in the aisle next to him. His eyes wander north, all the way up to a blond braid spilling out from underneath a base- ball hat.
Teddy’s kind of a sucker for chicks in ball caps.

Love Scene, Take Two
Alex Evansley
Publication Date: June 12, 2018
Genre: YA Contemporary, Romance
Teddy Sharpe is kind of famous. He might actually be on his way to being really famous, especially if he’d nailed an audition for the lead role in the movie adaption of the newest bestselling young adult book series. There’s just one problem: He totally blew the audition. And he’s stuck in a tiny North Carolina airport. And his maybe-ex-girlfriend kind of just broke up with him.The weekend isn’t exactly looking good until Bennett Caldwell, author of the very book series he just auditioned for, takes pity on him and invites him to her family’s lake house. Away from the glitz and glam of Hollywood for a few days, Teddy starts to relax . . . and somehow he and Bennett just click. But dating is hard enough when you aren’t the subject of several dozen fanblogs, and the Internet is full of juicy gossip about Teddy and Bennett . . . gossip that Bennett might not be prepared to handle.Chosen by readers like you for Macmillan’s young adult imprint Swoon Reads, Alex Evansley’s debut novel, written from both Bennett and Teddy’s perspectives, will have teens laughing, swooning, and falling in love along with these fantastically relatable characters.

Alex Evansley is a twenty-something-year-old writer from North Carolina. Her specialized talents include putting on workout clothes and not working out, sleeping during the day, losing socks, and procrastinating stories she’d like to write. Love Scene, Take Two is her debut novel.

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