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Reckless Magic
Rachel Higginson
Genre: YA Paranormal
16 year old Eden Matthews has been in and out of private schools for the last two years. She can't seem to stop herself from closing them down. Kingsley is her last chance to finish high school and the last private school willing to accept her.

She is focused on just getting through graduation until she realizes Kingsley is not like the other private schools she's been to. The students may be different, but so is she. And after meeting Kiran Kendrick, the boy who won't leave her alone and seems to be the source of all her problems, she is suddenly in a world that feels more make-believe than reality.

To top it off, she is being hunted by men who want to kill Kiran and her best friend Lilly is taken away to a foreign prison. Eden finds herself right in the middle of an ancient war, threatening everything she loves. She alone has to find a way to save her best friend and the boy who has captivated her heart.

Reckless Magic is an intricate story about mystery, adventure, magic and forbidden love. Eden Matthews is an unlikely heroine determined to save the world and be with her one, true love before it's too late.

I have this thought about people in books who have a destiny that could change the world. Usually their parents are on the run because the bad guy is after them for one reason or another. They would give their children to their dearest, trustworthy friends or obscure family members so they could grow up 'normally' and away from the chaos. The children usually grow up 'normal' without knowledge of their lineage, powers, and/or destiny. But come their teenage years they would come into their powers and they would be confused, bewildered, scared and think they'r going crazy when they get them... and come what may, no matter what the parental authorities do, the children would always, always learn who they are via dreams, a chance encounter (usually a kill-or-be-killed situations), or a stalker who's usually a boy who would eventually be the 'love of their lives'. 


Why couldn't these parental authorities just tell them who they are when they're young? Why couldn't they teach them over the years about their powers? Not that 'Bam! You are xxxx, you have powers and you need to defeat this so-so person' type of telling; just like how you teach someone how to read - lessons, tales, anecdotes... just so that they wouldn't remain ignorant. I know there's the concern of giving them a burden when they're too young but really they don't have to tell them when they're young about their destiny. Prepare them. Tell them about their family. They don't have to traumatize them either. There would come a time when they would be told since everything is hurling that way anyway. Not telling them makes the MCs incompetent or ignorant even though you saddle them with genius -level intellects or the chronic instinctual use of their awesome, deified superpowers. Some stories could pull that off, I admit, when the storytelling and the characters themselves are well-developed and well-thought out. This is not one of those books.

Don't get me started on the romance in this book. Just don't.

Ayanami Faerudo

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