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The Perilous Sea
The Elemental Trilogy #2
Sherry Thomas
Genre: YA Fantasy
After spending the summer away from each other, Titus and Iolanthe (still disguised as Archer Fairfax) are eager to return to Eton College to resume their training to fight the Bane. Although no longer bound to Titus by a blood oath, Iolanthe is more committed than ever to fulfilling her destiny—especially with the agents of Atlantis quickly closing in.

Soon after arriving at school, though, Titus makes a shocking discovery, one that makes him question everything he previously believed about their mission. Faced with this devastating realization, Iolanthe is forced to come to terms with her new role, while Titus must choose between following his mother's prophecies—and forging a divergent path to an unknowable future.
I read the first book, The Burning Sky, as the last book of 2013. I read it while I was waiting for the clock to strike twelve, ushering the new year. And I finished 2013 knowing that I read a good book, actually adding an ETA to my wrap-up post.

I dread sequels. I highly anticipate them, true, but there’s always the fear that the second book will not live up to expectations.

I probably had the biggest smile on my face when I finished The Perilous Sea today. I didn't have dinner yet and I went downstairs to fetch some victuals, giggling on occasion, smiling maniacally that I, perhaps, frightened the girl who was going into the elevator. 

I must confess that I only vaguely recall the whole, complete story of The Burning Sky (but I know that it was effing great!). I was confused when I was reading the first chapter: Huh. I know that I didn't leave The Burning Sky and Iolanthe and Titus in this state, so what's going on? The next chapter turned back to seven weeks earlier and I settled in knowing that things would unfold and everything would be revealed. 

Perhaps the alternate points-of-view and alternate times, present and what happened that led to the present, contributed to keeping from letting this book falling to the pit of sequels that curse them. Sherry Thomas made a brilliant move. 

And what a ride it was. The reasons I loved The Burning Sky have been reinforced in here and actually increased my love for this story. Adventure, romance, fantasy, drama and excitement! The book ended on the edge of a war and I can't wait to read the conclusion!

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