I'm quite excited today! It's a pleasure to have Chloe Miles over for an interview and for you to have a chance to win ebook copies of The Faded Trilogy.
You only live once ... unless you're Hunter Emmerton.
A half-spirit girl. An irresistibly charming ghost. The beginning of a timeless first love. A town terrorized by evil ... and dark forces who will stop at nothing to tear them apart. But how can they be together if they can’t even feel each other’s touch?
From the sweet love story of Faded to the heart-stopping action of See No Evil and the inspiring Ever After, find out why readers are buzzing about The Faded Trilogy ... and falling head over heels for Hunter Emmerton.

Describe your books in five words or less
Inspiring, goose bump-inducing, romantic.
Where did the idea for the books came from? Your inspiration?
I wanted to write a paranormal romance that was a little different to everything else that’s already been written. I loved the idea of earthbound spirits protecting the town from evil. And, being a hopeless romantic, I loved the idea of eternal undying love, especially between two characters who are so young but whose love is so rare and beyond their years.
It happened to be storming when I was coming up with the idea for the series, so that’s the inspiration behind the power over the weather that the characters possess and the unpredictable storms terrorizing the town.
What was favorite scene to write?
My favorite scene to write in Faded was the Winter Formal scene. I loved the idea of transporting the reader into the enchanting, magical venue of Stoncastle Hall. It was definitely my favorite romantic moment to write between Savannah and Hunter too because it is such a defining moment for them to be a normal couple just like everyone else, even though their relationship is so different in so many ways to everyone else.
What are the traits you have in common with your characters?
Savannah is very much like my teenage self. She is a little shy and reserved and more at home with her nose buried in her textbooks than confronting a room full of her peers ... let alone coming face to face with The Forces and having to protect her entire town! (Thankfully, I never had to contend with the latter.)
She’s relatable in the sense that she has that internal self-doubt that I think all teenage girls have at some point in their lives. We slowly see her emerge further and further from her shell as the series progresses, guided in the most part by Hunter’s unconditional love and undoubting belief in her, and eventually, her belief in herself.
If you could hang out with one of the characters, who would it be?
I think spending a day with Hunter Emmerton would give me the fearless confidence to do anything I’ve ever wanted to do but been too scared to. Maybe I wouldn’t take it quite so far and jump off a roof like Savannah does knowing that she has no risk of harm, but I think it would give me a little reassurance to be brave knowing that Hunter Emmerton’s arms would always be there to catch me ... or heal me if needed!
What are your top five favorite books?
I know they are all from the same series, but I would have to say any five books from the Harry Potter series in no particular order. That’s the series that really inspired my imagination as a kid. I honestly believe there hasn’t been and never will be another series as phenomenal as Harry Potter. It’s just way up there on its own little pedestal in my mind.
What would you like readers to take from your story?
Love is an emotional feeling. The idea of Savannah and Hunter’s love for each other is that the strongest feelings we feel aren’t always physically felt but felt wholly and powerfully within your heart.
I believe there is a powerful and inspirational message behind The Faded Trilogy, and I hope that the readers will walk away from this series with a little more hope and love in their hearts.

Chloe Miles is a twenty-something author, dreamer, shameless chocoholic, and hopeless romantic.
When she's not writing or daydreaming, she loves escaping reality with her favorite playlists, eating too much chocolate, and curling up on her couch in her PJs with a good TV show and a cup of tea.
The Faded Trilogy is her first series.

“Savannah wanted to kiss him, but she had never even kissed a human guy before, let alone a ghost. How was she supposed to kiss him if he wasn’t really there?”Savannah has never been in love before, but she’s in love with Hunter Emmerton. He’s cute, funny, charming ... and a ghost. How can you date someone if nobody else can see them?When seventeen-year-old Savannah Fraser and her three friends are killed in a car accident, they are given a second chance at life by a group of century-old earthbound spirits who need their help.Savannah learns she is a Chosen One, which means she can switch between human and spirit form, heal people, and control the weather—and she is also now invincible.The Chosen Ones are the only ones who can defeat The Forces—a trio of evil half-spirits who are slowly destroying the perfect little town of Fort Everwick with violent storms and not-so-natural disasters—and stop them from harming everyone they care about.The Forces are set on destroying everything Savannah knows and loves, but they also have a more sinister plan—they want a new member to join them. They won’t give up until they get the one they want—and they have Savannah firmly in their sights.But what Savannah didn’t count on was falling in love with Hunter. She’s never loved anyone the way she loves Hunter, and she knows he loves her, too. But how can they be together forever if he no longer exists and she’s the only one who can see him?Will Savannah have enough belief in herself to defeat The Forces, or will they be able to lure her to the dark side and turn her against her loved ones—and tear her and Hunter apart?
“You could have perfect vision and still not see the evil in someone. Well, at least not want to see it, anyway.”The enthralling story that was built in Faded continues in exciting and unexpected ways in this action-packed sequel in The Faded Trilogy.Are Savannah’s dreams predicting the death of someone close to her? Or is it someone even closer than she thinks? Can Savannah save one of her best friends—and stop another from suffering the same fate?Savannah will need more strength than she ever has before if she is to defeat The Forces for good, and with Hunter’s love and encouragement to believe in herself, she finds the confidence she never knew she had.However, while The Chosen Ones become more confident in their roles as protectors of Fort Everwick, The Forces only become more evil—and prove they will stop at nothing to win.What will Savannah do that will change everything and determine her position of power over The Forces forever—and prove to them that she just might have it in her to beat them at their own game?But while becoming their biggest threat, it also reinforces Savannah’s position as Gwen’s most cherished target.
One of Savannah’s friends is hiding a secret that will change her life—forever.In this heartbreaking yet heartwarming conclusion to The Faded Trilogy, Savannah is facing an epic final battle with The Forces—and the possibility of losing Hunter forever.If Fort Everwick no longer needed protecting, and Hunter was free to cross over, would he stay with Savannah as he promised—or leave her to live the normal life she deserves?Savannah can’t imagine her life without Hunter, but does he love her truly enough to let her go?Until then, The Chosen Ones only have one thing on their mind—defeating The Forces. But they are stronger than ever—and not prepared to go down without a fight.Will The Forces finally be defeated once and for all? And can Savannah and Hunter really live happily ever after?

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