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Book Blogger Appreciation was started by Amy Riley of My Friend Amy in an effort to recognize the hard work and contribution of book bloggers to the promotion and preservation of a literate culture actively engaged in discussing books, authors, and a lifestyle of reading.

The first Book Blogger Appreciation was observed in the fall of 2008 and occurs every September. The week spotlights and celebrates the work of active book bloggers through guest posts, awards, giveaways, and community activities. Book Bloggers are encouraged to register their participation for inclusion in a database of book bloggers.

Two years later we have BBAW 2010 and this year's theme is:

Treasure Chest of Infinite Books and Infinite Blogs

And oh yes! This event also features a lot of giveaways.

I found out about this event as I was doing my frenzied rounds of finding out if I won something from the recently concluded BlogFest 2010.  Of course, as a relatively new blogger, this is my first time participating in this said event.

I will not post about my favorite blogs yet as I am still agonizing about the BlogFest but rest assured I will post something about the book blogs that rock my world.

Therefore, if you want more information about BBAW head over to the official site.


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