Gallagher Girls
Ally Carter
Cammie Morgan is a student at the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women, a fairly typical all-girls school-that is, if every school taught advanced martial arts in PE and the latest in chemical warfare in science, and students received extra credit for breaking CIA codes in computer class. The Gallagher Academy might claim to be a school for geniuses but it's really a school for spies. Even though Cammie is fluent in fourteen languages and capable of killing a man in seven different ways, she has no idea what to do when she meets an ordinary boy who thinks she's an ordinary girl. Sure, she can tap his phone, hack into his computer, or track him through town with the skill of a real "pavement artist"-but can she maneuver a relationship with someone who can never know the truth about her?
Cammie Morgan may be an elite spy-in-training, but in her sophomore year, she's on her most dangerous mission-falling in love.

I guess they're right in saying not to judge a book by its cover nor its blurb for that matter. See, there are books that have great blurbs but when you read them you're left wanting and somehow cheated. But there are some books that have lame blurbs that made you wonder if why you had ever even picked up them. And there are times when you have nothing to do (or lots of things to do) and you land your eyes on one corner of your shelf and spot this book with a lame blurb.
You don't know why but you started reading it. The first two books were somewhat meh and you thought that there was going to be some grand adventure where the protagonists would be thrust into real life situations and be done with it. But no you were left disappointed. Yet you still read the third and the fourth and the fifth and suddenly you are yelling at Goodreads to tell you when the bloody hell the next book would come.
I waited to review Gallagher Girls until I finished all the books that were available like I did with Spirit Guide. I didn't like what I read in the first two books that much but there was some quality to it that made me think that there must be something more to it. So, I persevered and even though I should have been writing my term paper, I read the rest and I was right. It did get better and I got my wish: the protagonists were thrust into a real-life situation.
I was satisfied.
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